Benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH, is an enlargement of the prostate gland in men. The prostate gland enlarges as a man ages causing inconvenient symptoms in the urinary tract. It is not really a dangerous condition, but it should be monitored to prevent complications in the bladder, kidneys, and urinary tract. Many men wonder if is there a connection between BPH and prostate cancer. Let’s find out.

Symptoms of BPH
Almost all the symptoms of BPH relate to the urinary tract, and they become progressively worse if not treated.
They include the following:
- Frequent urination
- Waking up to urinate several times at night
- Incontinence
- A weak stream
- Difficulty voiding
- Constantly feeling like you need to pee
- Blood in the urine
- Urine flow that starts and stops
If you are experiencing these symptoms, see Albany Urology in Albany, GA for a diagnosis and to learn treatment options.
Other Conditions That Can Affect The Prostate Gland
Besides an enlarged prostate, men can develop prostatitis, or an inflammation of the prostate gland, due to a bacterial infection. This condition has many of the same symptoms as BPH, but in addition, a man may experience a burning or stinging feeling when urinating, a high fever and chills, genital and rectal throbbing, loss of sex drive, and painful ejaculation. See Albany Urology if you have any of these more serious symptoms.
One other condition which affects the prostate gland is prostate cancer.
Is There A Connection Between BPH And Prostate Cancer?
Let us answer this question several ways. Benign means cancer free. Having an enlarged prostate, or BPH, does not increase your risk of developing prostate cancer.
There is no direct link between BPH and prostate cancer meaning a patient with BPH is no more likely to have prostate cancer than one without BPH.
There are some men who do go on to develop prostate cancer. You can develop both, but one does not lead to the other.
Know Your Risks Of Prostate Cancer
- Men who are older than age 50 are at a higher risk for prostate cancer.
- African-American men have the highest risk followed by white men, Hispanics, and native American men. Asian American have the lowest rate of prostate cancer.
- Family history is important. If your father or brother had prostate cancer, you are 2 to 3 times more likely to develop prostate cancer. If 3 or more family members had it, your risk rises to 10 times.
- Regularly consuming a diet of fatty foods increases a man’s risk.
Talk with Albany Urology about your risk of prostate cancer and your need for screening tests.
Contact Albany Urology at 229-883-1503 if you are experiencing any of the symptoms of BPH or prostate cancer.